First things first, I steam the chopped cauliflower.
Settlers Night - Spinach Jack Bread Pudding and Company Cauliflower
First things first, I steam the chopped cauliflower.
Wednesday Night - Matt's Black Bean Burritos and Jiffy Corn Muffins
Okay, first things first, I gather all my main ingredients. As you can see, this isn't a hard recipe, basically all you need is 5 things, minus the tortillas which were already in the 350 degree oven getting warm. You have a red bell pepper, a jalapeno, a medium whole onion, two cans of black beans, and 8 oz. of neufchatel cheese.
I have to say, canned beans are the way to go! When you are short on time, using canned is the only thing that will do. When making a dish that uses canned beans, the first thing I do is rinse them good! Real good! Then I like them sit and drain till I am ready to use them.
While the beans are draining I chop the whole (cleaned!) red pepper. You could substitute a green one if you like, but I LOVE the red ones and usually just splurge on them every time!
Next up - the onion. When chopping an onion I first make cuts across the entire onion laterally, and then I go back over the onion with long cuts across as shown in the picture below. Every time I come up with perfectly chopped onions and it is soooo easy. It's a little trick I learned from the Food Network years ago! It's been so long that I don't even remember whose show it was!
My final chopping partner, the jalapeno. Make sure you don't rub your face while chopping this sucker! And I always wash my hands immediately after the entire pepper is chopped!
After all is chopped I heat some olive oil in a skillet. Once the oil is good and hot I add the garlic. LOTS of garlic. I never measure garlic, I always just scoop a spoonful in (and yeah - I use the jarred, pre-minced stuff. I love it!)
Once the olive oil in nice and garlicky (maybe a minute or two) I add all the vegi's (the pepper, onion, and jalapeno).
Once the beans have heated through (5-10 minutes) I add the cubed cheese. Mmmm.... cubed cheese. And seriously - if you haven't made the switch from regular cream cheese to neufchatel cheese : GET ON THAT BAND WAGON STAT! You really can't tell a taste difference, it cooks the same and it will save you some calories and fat grams!
Mix the vegetables, beans, and cheese constantly so the cheese doesn't burn. Once everything has been mixed and the cheese has melted, you are ready to turn off the burner and stuff the tortillas that have been heated in the oven.
If you are like my family, eating Chipotle is something you like to do. Next time you are there, pay attention to how they roll the burrito. That is exactly how you want to do it, especially if you are about to devour an over-stuffed burrito. As you see, this make 6 medium stuffed burritos. Not too much, not too little.
That was then, this is now
Right now I am doing two things at one time. One is typing this blog up. The other is uploading and editing photos.
I am going to try and get back into the blogging of things. I know I have said this before, but this time I really mean it! Well.... We'll see anyway.
There will be a little bit of this and a little bit of that, but the main focus will be vegetarian cooking. When I think about it, it's kind of become my hobby I guess you could say. I love to find new recipes, I have a subscription to a vegetarian cooking magazine, and cooking is a great enjoyment of mine.
Once the pictures are done, I will post Wednesday night's dinner of Matt's Black Bean Burritos and some good ole Jiffy cornbread muffins.