
Drumming to his own beat.

So, it's Tuesday. Gmail is down. And it kind of sucks... I guess I decided to travel over here for awhile hoping by the time I go back to my personalized Google page, Gmail will be back up. That'll be nice. Please Gmail, please cooperate!

Life's just been flying by. I've been keeping myself real busy the past month or so. I have to say I haven't watched any real TV in a long time, (well, besides March Madness, but that's only when it's been Ohio State or some other game that may effect my bracket in a major way!) I have no idea whats going on with some of my staple shows - Grey's Anatomy - no clue; Desperate Housewives - couldn't care; and How I Met Your Mother - kind of miss, but I'm surviving. I've been downloading music like a fiend! I made a mix for my friend Jennifer about a month ago titled "XMU & itunes Now Own Me" and it is soooo appropriate. I honestly have a running list sitting on my desk of songs I want to download... It's pathetic!
Speaking of brackets, the best place I can get in the one I'm in is 4th, which would win me $11, (I think). So, fingers crossed and GO BUCKEYES! (Yeah - about 75% of me having Ohio State winning was because of my bro - whatever! They do have a great shot at it!)

Sunday I did venture out to Lens Crafters (finally! I've been trying to get new glasses for almost 2 weeks!), and got myself some snazzy new glasses! They're green; that's right; I said it; GREEN! It was between two different green pairs, a blueish/green pair and a brown pair. I could have taken one of each, but my vision insurance isn't that good... unfortunately! I'm planning on adding some pics, so hopefully when I'm done typing, Blogger will be aloot nicer than Gmail at the moment!

Pictures I'm planning on including in this post are also from Ronnie the other day. Jen and Charlie got Ronnie this percussion set from Target about a year ago, but he's really been playing with it allot lately. I hope he's going to be a musician like his awesome Mother! :-) But, I am also accepting the fact that he might totally rebel in his teen years and do the exact opposite as his mother. :-(

Thank you Blogger for being so cool today and not giving me any smack when trying to upload pictures... Thank you!


"A Healthy Dose of Photo Inspiration" - Photojojo

Sooo... I get this incredible email newsletter called Photojojo. It comes once a week and it gives tips and tricks to improve your photo-taking skills. They might even give you cool links for services to totally ROCK your photos - for example - www.blockposters.com . This free website lets you make HUGE pixel posters of your photos. You can do it in four easy steps - 1. Upload your picture, 2. Slice your image, 3. Download images, and 4. Print! If you have a good enough printer, you could make a huge mural for your wall and it would be fantastic! Another favorite link of mine from Photojojo - www.pikipimp.com . This free, (yes that's right - FREE again), lets you upload images onto their site and then you can add fun and sometimes quirky "stuff" onto your picture. Add a smoking pipe, add a mullet, add some pimples, you can even add chest hair!

My favorite link came just a few weeks ago and I visit it at least once a week now and have pushed it onto my friends as well. It's George Lange's 2006 Photo Flip book. A must see if you have a fast internet connection and speakers, (you have to see it with the music going!) It literally is a flip book, the whole thing just sinks together so well! Love it!



So it's official. I have finally earned some "street" points with Threadless. I just looked at my threadless profile and the first order I submitted was on February 22, 2006. So it's about damn time I got some love for the money I've spent with them. Last night I had a "photo-shoot" with my new friend Matt. It was quite fun, but a little nerve-wrecking at the same time. I'm not really "model" material. So he figured out the dimensions the pics needed to be and uploaded them onto the Threadless site. It's such a pain in the butt how they have to be a certain way, the pictures that is. It took Matt quite some time to get all of them the way Threadless wants them. I also have two more shirts of myself to take pictures in, (one was in the laundry and the other - we have to take a new picture for). I also have 3 threadless shirts for Ronnie, so I'm going to have to take those pics as well. Interested in seeing all of the pic's for yourself? Check my profile out at http://www.threadless.com/profile/247373/Lighter31/photos. Hey - you may even start ordering from threadless... I highly suggest it!


Bored At Work Again

Here I am. I have to say that life is going a lot more swimmingly then the last time I posted. I was feeling really down on myself, and now I'm kind of embarrassed about the post. But then I start to remember - 'That's what blogs are for - they are made possible by "bitch"-sessions.', and then I start to feel like I really do fit in! Okay enough of all that...

So it's Thursday, I'm at work and I feel like my head could just fall into this keyboard while I passed out from boredom/lack of sleep. 'So, Justine, What have you been doing on this fine day?' I've been surfing the internet of course and I'd like to share a few awesome finds with you. (I want to apologize in advance if you were wanting to read some juicey gossip, or are just not into STUFF.)

I like stuff. My addiction isn't as bad as others, but I like stuff. So when I came upon the online retailer ThinkGeek I was so stoked! ::A little background information - I don't consider myself to be the stereo-typical geek. In fact, some of the things I found on ThinkGeek I don't even know what they mean, (I'm more of a street smart kid). But I will proudly say I'm a music geek, some might even consider me a music snob (my itunes library can reveal this), but I am totally okay with both of those labels.:: ThinkGeek has a huge variety of "geeky" items, but most can be enjoyed by your regular Joe. I've decided to show the world, once again, what I found amusing and wouldn't mind have sitting on my desk or in my home. *Oh yeah - and make sure you click on the hyperlinks, it'll take you right to the products - that is, if you happen to find them as cool as I did!

First on Justine's wish list - 1930's Books Love. These could be quite the conversation starters. Supposedly these books were made from our former geek relatives. I guess this was the stuff that they wanted to experience, but probably never got a chance to because they were too busy writing the book. They give sound advice like, "All women liked to be flattered. They like to be told they are beautiful even when the mirror throws the lie back into their ugly face." CLASSIC! (Oh - he is certainly getting laid tonight!)

Second - ACROBOTS! Now this is something I could use on my desk at work. (Especially on days like these!) These small Acrobots have to be super fun. The regular Acrobot is about 4" tall and has 6 pivot points, (definitely the one I want, but I'd have to have at least 2). You can also purchase a stack pack which are 3 smaller ones, but let's face, sometimes size does matter and the bigger the better with Acrobots, (plus you can move them in more different positions). One of the coolest things about ThinkGeek is that you can send in pictures of yourself, family, friends, whatever, with your new ThinkGeek products. They're called action shots and they post them on the page with whatever you purchased. The Acrobots action page is the best, and I would suggest anyone to just go check that out for the sake of it's coolness!

Next up on the wish list - Desktop Desert Hothouse Kit. Who doesn't like plants? I dare someone to say they don't like plants. I only wish I had a greener thumb, if I did my place would have some of the cleanest air you have ever breathed. But, since I can't seem to keep most plants alive more than a few months, I have opted for cacti. This mini desert greenhouse gives you everything you need to grow a desert from scratch. It comes with 20 seeds and they will start to sprout within 1-6 weeks. How much tender love'in care has to go into this? Eh, maybe water it every 6 months or so. Oh yeah, I can definitely do that. It also mentions that you can leave the cacti in the hothouse and they'll stay small, or you can replant them so they'll start to grow in size. Very cool, and very green... My kind of stuff.

When I saw this third one, I laughed purely for that fact that a friend of mine recently asked me who I thought would win in a fight, 100 ninjas or 100 pirates? Well, we both agreed the pirates would win, so I guess they could use these puppies to help mend the wounds. I think Ronnie would thoroughly enjoy these gems as well. What kid doesn't like band aids?

And last, but certainly not least - Smart Mass Thinking Putty. Now, honestly I could play with something like this for hours and hours. And the add explains it all - It bounces; it stretches, contorts, and squishes; It lifts comics; it shears and tears; it shatters; and it drips from ceilings. It's putty for grownups and I think this may have to be my first purchase from ThinkGeek. My favorite color is atomic bronze!
So that's it for now. Maybe next time I'll have some updated pictures of myself and the Turtleman. (I have lost 44 lbs ya know!) Till next time...