
"A Healthy Dose of Photo Inspiration" - Photojojo

Sooo... I get this incredible email newsletter called Photojojo. It comes once a week and it gives tips and tricks to improve your photo-taking skills. They might even give you cool links for services to totally ROCK your photos - for example - www.blockposters.com . This free website lets you make HUGE pixel posters of your photos. You can do it in four easy steps - 1. Upload your picture, 2. Slice your image, 3. Download images, and 4. Print! If you have a good enough printer, you could make a huge mural for your wall and it would be fantastic! Another favorite link of mine from Photojojo - www.pikipimp.com . This free, (yes that's right - FREE again), lets you upload images onto their site and then you can add fun and sometimes quirky "stuff" onto your picture. Add a smoking pipe, add a mullet, add some pimples, you can even add chest hair!

My favorite link came just a few weeks ago and I visit it at least once a week now and have pushed it onto my friends as well. It's George Lange's 2006 Photo Flip book. A must see if you have a fast internet connection and speakers, (you have to see it with the music going!) It literally is a flip book, the whole thing just sinks together so well! Love it!

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